I like bad movies. This isn't a movie. It's just bad.
27 November 2018
I love bad movies. Getting together with friends to drink some beers and laugh at poor continuity, questionable acting, and incoherent plots? Classic.

The Asylum doesn't make bad movies. "Movie" implies an attempt at application of art. They don't care. They aren't trying. What they make isn't bad because they're incompetent, it's bad because they didn't even try.

Manos? Plan 9? As terrible as they may be (and terrible they are), they are still movies. Somebody set out to realize their vision (however incoherent) and try to entertain audiences. The Asylum isn't doing that. They're not making movies. They're just being shameless because they know people will buy their products either 1) on accident or 2) ironically.

Save yourself the time and watch some Roger Corman stuff. It's full of low-budget schlock with actual artistry. When it's bad, it's still good.
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