10,000 Days (2014)
COMET- 23, 10,000 DAYS-ZERO
29 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The film take places 10,000 days into the future after the big one, COMET 23 strikes the earth. The earth is not destroyed but knocked out of orbit. Through a freakish occurrence only two family clans survive and are feuding. The bad guy wears black and a large hat that looks like a Darth Vader helmet. The Becks (good clan) discover Air Force One and may be able to launch nuclear weapons and heat up the frozen earth. Toss in a kid and a Romeo and Juliet element and you get the idea.

I like the idea, somewhat. Okay I got past the fact the earth wasn't destroyed, nor was our rotation or axis tilt altered at all. I never did understand why they didn't leave Colorado and head toward the equator if heat was an issue. Their power generation and greenhouse abilities needed explanation that didn't come. All of that would have been fine, even with the CG background, if they had created just one decent character.

The acting and dialogue was horrendous. The characters were unrealistic, perhaps more so than the plot.

My advice is to go watch "The Colony" again or better yet, "Snow Piercer".

No F-bombs, sex, or nudity.
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