Survivor: Tribal Lines are Blurred (2018)
Season 37, Episode 10
BING! I am now fully on board.....
29 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
....with the opinion that this is a great season. I've had my reservations so far, mostly regarding the boot order, but this double whammy of an episode has sold me 100%. It does begin with the discovery of yet another advantage by the Davids, but ultimately it does demonstrate that the tribal lines have, mercifully, blurred, and nothing is set in stone. The return of sea challenges after quite a while is most welcome, as is the emergence of Gabby as a sneaky power player in control of her own fate. You could say three women were running the show especially in the second of these two episodes, resulting in one of the most satisfying (and gimmick-free) blindsides in a long while. I both clapped and cheered. After all, I've always been a fan of Wonder Woman! ***1/2 out of 4.
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