Malice that should have been stronger
2 December 2018
Was pretty intrigued by the concept, which may not have been a new one but there was potential for it to be a creepy film if done right. The title is simple but certainly grabs the attention and is to the point. Some of my horror reviews recently sound indicates someone who dislikes the horror genre, quite the contrary, it's not my favourite genre but there are many watchable and more (even classic) films in it and there is appreciation for it (as with all genres old and new).

'The Witch in the Window' is certainly nowhere near close to being one of my worst recent film viewings and have definitely seen far worse throughout my life. However, a classic 'The Witch in the Window' is not and have also seen much better films recently. It is another one of those watchable films that doesn't quite do enough with its potential but doesn't squander it, which was a relief for me having seen a lot of potential wastes and was growing tired of them.

Starting with the good things, 'The Witch in the Window' does provide unsettlement visually, with ominous photography that has slickness if not always refinement. The setting and lighting similarly are spooky. It is hauntingly scored and there is evidence of focus and momentum in the directing.

Once it gets going, 'The Witch in the Window' does boast a good amount of skin-crawling suspense and unsettling scares. As well as a surprising emotional impact in a quietly sorrowful sort of way, there is evidence of character development here and while not rich it was hardly surface level. Actually found myself caring for the lead characters and their story, which did give the film its heart. The acting is pretty decent too.

However, 'The Witch in the Window' does take too long to get going and set up with a pretty dull first 20-25 minutes that could easily have been tightened. Worse was the ending, which on top of being too easily telegraphed too early was very rushed and muddled, as well as going overboard on the bitter-sweetness.

Much more could have been done with the titular character, who should have been the star of the show but the way she is utilised and written is one of the biggest drawbacks. She is scary but has a back-story that is badly under-developed with too many things on an explanation level left unclear and then confused when explanation is attempted. Throughout the dialogue is very stilted.

Altogether, watchable but lacking in too many areas. 5/10 Bethany Cox
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