The Tragedy of Today....
3 December 2018
Kanzen na asobî is also known as the Perfect Game , or Imperfect Game, it is an excellent crime action film, with as the headline title suggests a story that points to some serious undercurrents of social malaise among Japanese youth. Four academic college students come up with a scheme to make some big money fast. They hatch an elaborate plan to scam an illegal bookie by placing a bet on a bike race knowing the winner in advance of the closing bets... no spoilers here ! Opening with a typically mod Nikkatsu jazz fuelled introduction, a deceptively frivolous beginning soon unfolds spirals into a compelling dark & bitter tale. Director Toshio Masuda a master of his craft, is aided with a superb cast and crew, this absorbing beautifully composed drama has a surprising and unpredictable dimension switching as the rhythm changes tone...

No votes here at IMDb ? , no photo (sorted) No review (done) Highly Recommended !! Classic Japanese Cinema.
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