Powerfully authentic
4 December 2018
I ordered this on DVD and was a bit nervous to watch it. My father suffered from a tbi. I'd seen a couple movies about tbi in the past and I was left feeling more annoyed than anything else. They seemed to gloss over this affliction, even sugar coating it at times. This film certainly did not do that. You could tell that they were very familiar with the terrible effect that tbis can have, not only on the victims, but their loved ones as well. The main character, played by Shannon Brown, seemed eerily familiar to me. His portrayal of a tbi survivor was uncomfortably real. There were many times that I saw my father on the screen. This was one of the best performances I've ever seen in any movie period. The actress who plays his wife, Kelly Thuebaud, says the line "he goes from zero to nuclear with no warning" and that's a honest way to describe someone suffering from a tbi and you see and feel that in Mr. Brown's performance. Ms. Thiebaud was also very good in this. I felt her pain and despair which is exactly what me and mother experienced with my father. I am grateful that this movie exists. It's hard to put into words how devastating a tbi can be on someone and their loved ones, this film illustrates just that in a powerfully authentic way.
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