What makes Data tick
6 December 2018
This TNG story concerns Brent Spiner as Lt.Commander Data and an order that Captain Picard has received to have Data report to Brian Brophy a cybernetics professor with Star Fleet. Data is to report to be disassembled to find out just what Dr. Sung did that makes Data the unique creation he is. The theory is that if we can build a race of Datas, the Federation would be invincible.

From Patrick Stewart on down the Enterprise crew regards Data as one of them and don't like him being dissected like a lab rat. Brophy throws the whole matter into the Federation's futuristic JAG office in the person of Amanda McBroom.

Every player out there loves courtroom scenes and that is no less true in the Star Trek franchise. Patrick Stewart is Data's Counsel and Jonathan Frakes is dragooned into prosecution.

Ironic as all get out in that Data's never ending quest for humanity he should be put through a procedure like this to prove him worthy of being treated like a living being. Not Clarence Darrow, not F. Lee Bailey could have done a better job of defending him than Captain Picard.

Of course a little advice from Guinan helps which occurs in a key scene with Patrick Stewart and Whoopi Goldberg.

One of the best episodes in the series.
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