Street Hero (1984)
80s kid aspirational
11 December 2018
To probably understand this film and it's pretence, imagine you were just entering high school in 1984. The big scary new world. Would you fit in? Would you be an outcast? Will the girls like you? Will you find your true calling? Why do you parents seem so dysfunctional... Along comes Vinnie. He's a bad guy, but he's like that bully that everyone likes. Partly because he's not totally a bad guy, and partly because you don't want to be the next guy he beats up. Luckily, he finds a passion. With a combination of street smarts, a little guidance & kindness and an ability to take his emotional pain out on the high school drum kit - Vinnie is able to show the world that he too could be more than just another street thug.

Colosimo's acting wasn't Oscar winning, but he played the role with enough gusto to convince your average teenage male (obviously the target audience).

Sigrid Thornton was cutting her chops, and some of the best scenes involve the teachers all gathered together discussing the humdrum of modern high school life in the quickly devolving post-nuclear era.

The sound track is great with some fine Australian bands offering up some great sonic memories for the audience.

It's a teenage romance movie. No more, no less. I was Vinnie, and my girlfriend was Sigrid - for just a brief moment at the back of the theatre as I wrapped my arm around my girl we had a movie that seemed to understand our angst & trepidation in this scary new world.
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