As messy as always
18 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Okay the title here "YouTube Rewind 2018: Everyone Controls Rewind" already summarizes pretty well what this short film is about. Every December of the year Youtube releases a video that features that year's most relevant influencers (ugh I hate that word for a profession, but yeah they are making millions) and each of them gets a little screen time. This time it runs for a bit over 8 minutes and the contents go with the idea of giving people "what they want". Oh my. Well, I did not get what I want here, that much is safe. I hardly knew any of the people and the only parallel I see is that they are all at least mildly attractive, some more some less, and that is probably one reason that made them famous. Anyway, back to the overall idea. They pick some references that many people seem to care about like Fortnite or K-Pop this year, serious pop culture trends we got, and elaborate on them a bit. And towards the end we see them show some random Youtube comments and go on about these, 2 or 3 perhaps, but yeah it is what everybody wants right? I heard a character say something in German during one second or so and then at the very end I read that this was Dagi Bee. I will not go into detail about her honestly, but lets say she is not seen as a trustworthy person who genuinely cares about anything other than her profit here in Germany for everybody who can see through the charade. That's enough on the subject I guess. Really disappointed in Will Smith too I think he turned 50 recently and seeing him support stuff like that, especially with many of the really questionable decisions by Youtube against audiences and uploaders. And here they are trying to convince us it is all good like every year. But yeah, it's not them who have to react, but it is us the viewers and our reaction should bring a reaction from them. But now I am getting too far away. This under 10-minute video here gets a huge thumbs-down from me of course. It is as bad as the last editions, even if I am surprise to finally see the 1.0 here on imdb for one of these.
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