Inspirational story of life and faith.
21 December 2018
I went into this thinking it would be a religious only film which it was in some way. The film combined country music, car racing and faith while staying respectful to the people who serve in the military. The struggles we see are real and Pulsipher played a very convincing role. She showed lots of emotion throughout and I felt so bad for her.

Many people lose their faith when a loved one dies and do blame God for it. The climax was very emotional when she realized the reason he was taken and her emotions went all over the place as she spoke to God. It is something we will all go through at some point and it's a process we must all grapple with. There is no right or wrong way.

This film shows that no matter how bad it gets there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. It shows the support the family, friends and the town gives, it shows that we all have support. It was a good, emotion watch and I am happy that I did see it. I will likely not watch it twice but that does not diminish the fact that this was a great, emotional film.
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