Smash Mouth: All Star (1999 Music Video)
I liked it better back then
23 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The title "Smash Mouth: All Star" gives you the name of the band and the name of their most famous song featured in this 4-minute music video. Director is McG, a fairly well-known film director as well and the cast includes some pretty famous actors like Azaria, Reubens, Macy, Jones and Stiller and even if most of these are only seen for a second or two, that is pretty impressive for a music video. It sure would have helped had the film focused more on these instead of the band's lead singer. So yeah sadly I must say that visually this muci video is a bit of a disappointment gently speaking or in other words that if you got a cast like that at your disposal, then you absolutely need to come up with more than they did here quality-wise. The song isn't bad. Slightly uplifting, but not great from the lyrics perspective or vocal range required to pull it off. It's a fun number that is also on the catchy side, but somehow hearing it now after all these years, it was released almost 20 years ago, I am not very much impressed and there is little to like for me in here when it comes to the audio side. That it's still better than the video doesn't mean it's good or even great. Just that the video sucks. So if you wanna check it out, just go for the record I assume. The overall project gets a thumbs-down from me and herw e have evidence that empty pop(/rock) was also existent back in the 90s, just not as frequent as today I guess. Not recommended, or if we speak in sports terms, then this is rookie bench level and not all star.
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