Friday Five Sharp (2015– )
Friday Five Sharp delivers!
24 December 2018
Europe is no stranger to satire - either mocking or praising the norms of society, or extrapolating on a particular behavioral quick that we all possess. This show goes one step further. In a feat of creative writing on the part of the Director Lachezar Avramov and actor Kitodar Todorov (along with a team of elves) they manage to encompass the elusive human condition, as well as the result of the human conditioning in modern day, post-post-communist, post-socialist, Bulgaria.

I have followed this show for the past several years and the themes vary from the can't-catch-your-breath-from-laughing hilarious to adopting a Rodin's "Thinker"-like pose a fuming a bit after having seen the episode.

As their craft develops I expect the show to become even better and I'll certainly stick around to watch it.

2022 Update: I am looking forward to the new season and the FFS team continues to shine a light on the human condition. I have also become a fan of Kitodar's gaming streams on Facebook - a combination of insightful guest interviews and engaging in-game commentary. Clean and hilarious.
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