Game of Thrones: The Spoils of War (2017)
Season 7, Episode 4
Family reunions and an intense battle
30 December 2018
After the events of the previous episode the Lannisters have the funds to repay the Iron Bank; if Jaime can get it back to King's Landing. Arya arrives at Winterfell and is finally reunited with Sansa and Brandon. At Dragonstone John finds the dragon glass and once again asks Daenerys to help in the upcoming battle in the north; he also advises her not to attack the Red Keep... that doesn't mean she isn't going to attack the Lannister forces elsewhere.

I've enjoyed season seven so far but this episode manages to take things to another level. It started well with the first half being dominated by the reunion of Arya and Sansa. These scenes were suitably handled; at first the guards try to deny Arya access to Winterfell; then when she tells Sansa about her list of people she intends to kill her sister is mildly amused... until she sees what an accomplished fighter Arya has become when she spars with Brienne. Maisie Williams, Sophie Turner and Gwendoline Christie are great in these scenes. As good as that was there was better to come as Jaime and the Lannister army are attacked by the Dothraki horde and Daenerys, who is riding a dragon. This was one of the best battle sequences to date; it started gradually as first a gentle rumble was heard; it quickly built to a crescendo as battle commences and Daenerys's dragon burnt dozens of opposing soldiers when close combat lead to the sort of mayhem one would expect... it had the intensity one would expect from a big budget Hollywood movie rather than a mid-season TV episode. I have no idea how the series will follow up this episode but look forward to finding out.
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