The Big Frame (1952)
"I don't like this big shot stuff!"
5 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
After a reunion meeting with old wartime buddies Paul Smith wakes up the following afternoon in a strange hotel and loss of memory. At the reunion he had quarrelled with one of his old comrades who has now been murdered. Smith realises he is suspected and proceeds to try and clear his name helped by his fiancée Louise Parker. I found the film rather bland and routine and spotted the murderer early on.

The lead Paul Smith was played by American import Mark Stevens and he was dull and several fine actors like Jean Kent, Garry Marsh, Dianne Foster, Duncan Lamont and Cyril Smith weren't helped by a confusing and uninspired script. There was a good music score by William Hill-Bowen however. The most entertaining bit was a brief scene with Thora Hird as a cleaning woman. She was most amusing as usual.

Another Tempean production from Robert S. Baker and Monty Berman but not up to their usual standard.
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