Christmas at Graceland (2018 TV Movie)
Could have been a Christmas classic, but fell a little short.
8 January 2019
Christmas at Graceland had a lot of potential to be a Christmas classic, but it fell short for me. Even after watching it the second time (I wanted to really like it), it just comes across as a fun little Christmas movie. Wes Brown is always enjoyable to watch, but I just didn't see chemistry between these two; it was fun and playful, but no real chemistry. Kellie's acting was better than I expected, being it her first starring role. There were some cheesy parts of her portrayal, but I found her character to be believable, sweet, and likable, for the most part. I don't understand why they had her voice overpower his voice in most of the scenes though. He has a very nice voice, and I actually enjoyed listening to him much more than I did her. It seems to me that her singing was much more twangy than normal, which was unnecessary because she already has that authentic sound to her voice. If they had allowed his voice to come out more and softened hers a bit, I think it would have been a really nice match. The performance at the end was certainly much better than that caroling song that was way over the top. I liked the movie, but I didn't love it. It had some fun characters (the little girl was sweet and adorable), but I think it had so much potential. I'm also curious as to why Wes didn't get a spot on the soundtrack. His voice is very inviting, nice to listen to, and and he has experience as a musician himself. Their performance at the end would have made a nice addition to the soundtrack. Without Wes as one of the leads, this probably would have have been a lower rating from me.
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