Animal manufacturing
8 January 2019
For me there were two reasons for watching the very hit and miss output of Terrytoons Studio. One was as a completest, watching as many of their available ones as possible. Also love animation and was interested in seeing old(er) ones made on a reasonably low budget. As has been said more than once, watching their cartoons has been a very interesting but very variable experience, most ranging between mediocre and decent, with the odd good one and some weak ones.

When it comes to Terrytoons' 1942 cartoons, 'All Out for V' is easily one of the best, even if its subject won't appeal to everyone with it not always easy making wartime cartoons funny and not making them preachy. As far as their output overall goes 'All Out for V' fares very favourably and actually found it surprisingly good. There is nothing overly cute about it, it has some of the best and funniest gags of any of their output and nothing comes over as recycled. There is far less of a sense that the studio was running out of ideas like they were showing frequently in cartoons around this time (and before and since).

Coming off particularly well in 'All Out for V' are two things. One is the ever incredible music (the jingle aside), which for me has never disappointed and stops their worst efforts from being unwatchable. Have always loved how beautifully and cleverly it's orchestrated and arranged, furthermore it is great fun to listen to with so much lively energy, doing so well with adding to the action. From when Terrytoons first started up to this point the animation had advanced so much and was the asset that over-time was the most improved, that's the other notable asset. The ambitious, elaborate detail in the backgrounds is still great to see, as is the comparatively improved fluidity of drawing and movement. The synchronisation in movement and sound is neat.

Found 'All Out for V' surprisingly one of the sharpest and funniest Terrytoons cartoons when it comes to the humour. It is genuinely funny and there is a cohesiveness and razor-sharp-edge-in-pace to them, a few by Terrytoons standards quite original. It is very absurdist in places, but this is a case of the absurdity actually being quite endearing. Really liked the animal characters and the interesting roles they play and jobs they are assigned. The charm is never forced and there is a good amount of charm, while the cartoon is seldom dull.

Do agree though that 'All Out for V' has too many heavy-handed spots, it does make its point but lays it on too thick and anybody who has seen a lot of war-oriented cartoons will be not be desperately surprised by what the cartoon is trying to say.

One does not expect a story that's meaty or with much originality with Terrytoons, story-wise it is very slight and with not much new to it. Am aware that the jingle was intended to be annoying but instead of being catchy it actually really grated on my nerves and was very repetitive.

In summary, surprisingly good for Terrytoons. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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