The Rockford Files: A Portrait of Elizabeth (1976)
Season 2, Episode 16
A warm portrait of Jim and Beth
9 January 2019
I watched this show when it first aired, but only sporadically. I wasn't a big fan of this show at that time. Oh, it was enjoyable enough, to help pass the time; but I preferred shows like Mannix and Hawaii Five-O......more "heavy-hitting," I guess.

But recently I bought the complete DVD collection of this show, and have to admit that I am thoroughly enjoying it. I'm still only on season 2, and watched this episode last night. If I'm not mistaken, it's the first episode from the series that I've give 10 stars.

For me, the most important part of this show is having James Garner's Rockford being such a deep-down kind human being. Even when he's talking nasty to some overblown pain in the rear, he usually does so with a twist of kindness; as if he'd much rather be laughing warmly over a beer rather than having to set someone straight.

This episode shows that side of him so very well. And this must be Gretchen Corbett's best episode. I loved the both of them so much in this story.

Guess I've become even more of an old softy in my old age........but I am now a big fan of The Rockford Files......and especially of "A Portrait of Elizabeth"
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