10 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
30 minutes into it and I had to stop watching it. What made made me first consider it was when the old man went into the basement, like really? But before that, I already knew something was gonna come up, scary or not, when the little girl asked to walk the dog of some guy that she doesn't even know. Yeah, her parents own the place and the guy was the tenant of her parents but still. That was questionable for me, and personally, I do not know why anyone would just let a child walk out of sight with a dog no matter how big or small without supervision.

But back to the old man, they couldn't have made it anymore predictable when he went into the basement? Yeah the T.V screen said "I want you to die" when he screamed "what do you want from me" trying to exit the building, the lights going off above him one by one as he was walking as fast as he can, but com'on. At least have him go back to his room, let him settle himself, take his meds and than BOOM! he gets slaughtered like one of the animals. And another thing, they really had to make the flashlight from his phone flicker AND have it "go back to normal" when he taps it like a regular flashlight? HAHAHAHA!!!!!! That is BEYOND foolish.

Thank goodness I stopped watching it before I wasted my time even, but writing this review wasn't a waste at because I want other horror fans to read this so they don't waste their time watching a movie thats a slap across the face to horror fans like I did.
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