Might have worked better had it not been "Weinsteined"
12 January 2019
I have enjoyed many movies from China, and I've certainly enjoyed a lot of movies from America. Unfortunately, when China and America get together to make a movie, the results are usually a misfire. This particular co-production does not do anything to change the trend. There is nothing wrong with the visual look of the movie; the animation and art design is colorful and pleasing despite not having the polish of Pixar or other top American animation outfits. And the core idea of the movie is pretty original and could have worked if there was one clear direction the story unfolded at instead of being pulled in two directions. Thanks to the American Weinstein brothers, the movie (at least in the English dubbed version that I watched) has pretty awful voice acting for the most part, narration that seems a desperate addition to make the movie make sense, and embarrassing use of American songs like "Kung Fu Fighting" and "(Theme from) Shaft". Also, it appears that the Weinsteins severely cut down the movie for western audiences, because there are a bunch of plot threads and characters that make little sense and/or are not finished by the time the end credits start to roll. But while there are signs that the original Chinese version might have made more sense, much of the movie would probably unfold at an even slower pace than it presently unfolds, and be cluttered with even more plot than it is now. In the end, the movie is a big disappointment. Kids may be more forgiving towards it, but I don't think they will request repeated viewings.
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