an exercice in tension
13 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A popular female singer gives gracious little interviews in which she thanks her composer husband for her success. Their real-life marriage, however, is pretty much on the rocks : she has grown close to another man while her tyrant husband, a very unpleasant creature indeed, seethes with malice and frustration. Something has got to give...

This thriller throbs and crackles with suspense, to the point where the viewer might want to flatten any imprudent postman or door-to-door salesman foolish enough to interrupt him. It's an exercice in tension.

The plot is intelligent and unusual, though (considered in retrospect) perhaps too complicated and far-fetched. This may be caused by the fact that the movie is based on a novel written by Pierre Boileau and Thomas Narcejac. Both men liked elaborate plotting and striking concepts, sometimes - or so it seems to me - to the detriment of credibility and plausibility.

"Meurtre" also contains a darkly satirical edge, pointing out that those who create, perform and sell sweetly romantic songs are not necessarily sweetly romantic souls themselves...

Well worth a look - and with an interesting musical score, too.
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