Review of Plastic

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Plastic (2019)
Season 20, Episode 11
This Episode Lacked a Point
15 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It was predictable, boring (despite the titilating subject matter and videos) and sort of pointless. The doctor is a sociopath but lacked real motive/depth and Sadie/Cecilia was a prop more than a charcter. If SVU doesn't make it to a historic 21st season, the fault won't lie with the actors, producers or the lack of original story ideas with potential. The fault will lie squarely on the lazy and uninspired writing team who can't develop an idea into a layered story with proper pacing to save their lives. The showrunner also bears the blame for not pushing them or replacing them. The final seasons of Law and Order seemed reinvigorated with Lupo, Bernard and Cutter and yet that show got cancelled. SVU, which I have always preferred, is limping along to the end like a tired and lame drag queen passed her prime. Shake the damned thing up and go for broke with some daring and crazy stuff! It's the twilight years of the show so there's nothing to lose in doing that.
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