Review of Contrails

Manifest: Contrails (2019)
Season 1, Episode 11
Vaguest touch on the sci fi, more relationships development.
15 January 2019
They could have called this episode, "Nothing Happens Again", except the soap opera garbage.

An indication for how unimportant sci fi is for this series, without spoilers: the premise is a passenger plane mysteriously disappears after flying into a storm, then reappears five years later - intact with all alive, yet for some reason "the whole world" blames and is angry at the pilot?!

If this actually happened, we'd blame the pilot, making him a social pariah?!

It's not explained *why* everyone blames him, it's not explained why they don't blame the co pilot, and other than flippantly using the term, "black lightning", they don't explain or elaborate that phemonenon, at all!

Actually, they only talk briefly about the sci fi bits just so they can segue into the soap opera stuff.
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