Review of Webcast

Webcast (2018)
Pleasantly surprised!
16 January 2019
Two teenagers set out to film a documentary about a teen that went missing from their area many years ago. They soon discover a web of secrets and conspiracy that envelops their community, and their discovery is not welcomed. This low budget British horror flick was really enjoyable. This is how 'found film' movies should be done. The movie does not rely on loud jump scares, nor overtly violent or disturbing scenes. It does however quite effectively suck the viewer into the paranoia and claustrophobia the two teens experience. It is creepy because it is such a slow burner. The atmostphere created by the film leaves you looking over your shoulder. Looking at this film for what it is, and comparing it to high budget Hollywood Horrors; It really is quite good. It just goes to show that bigger is not always better. Louder is not always scarier. The real bad guys could be your next door neighbours the whole time...
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