Spaceship (2016)
It's a really ambitious student film...
19 January 2019
...but it seems to meander from "character" to "character" with no real rhyme or reason. Fragmented to the point that it asserts a deeper meaning without ever actually seizing upon that deeper meaning. Visually interesting, but the narrative is confused by what it wants to be.

There was clearly passion behind it, but passion alone doesn't make for a coherent or engaging story. It relies very heavily on voice overs that have this thematic constant of flight, better worlds, non humans or transcended humans...but all these threads, all these hooks...they never really tie together into anything. Yes, a film shouldn't always spoonfeed you answers, but there's a world of difference between leaving things open to interpretation and making an incoherent mess.

This falls somewhere between the two. Never fully terrible enough to be a mess yet so vague that it straddles incoherence and repeats itself often. You keep trying to piece together the mystery it feels like it's presenting, but before long you realise that is an exercise in futility. Worse still is that despite how clever it thinks it may be, it commits the single greatest cardinal sin a movie can commit. It's boring. Pretentious I can sometimes enjoy, but pretentious and boring not so much.
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