Not very realistic but it's passable.
20 January 2019
Korean movies are the best Asian movies, that's just a fact. But once in a while you have a good Japanese movie as well. Sabaibaru Famirî (Survival Family) is one of them if you concider that alot of times there is alot of overacting in Asian movies. In this case it's allright for most of the time. The story has been done before, a bit of an apocalyptic vision if there was no power anymore, but it's interesting to watch. The problem I have, and that makes the movie just not good enough to be remembered is the fact that there would be much more chaos and violence if such thing happened in real life. But because we're in Japan and everybody is very polite and respectful there is just no violence at all. In real life, in a big city where people would be out of food and drink in a week, it's just utopic to think everything would stay so polite. Anyways, that just bothered me, for the rest it's not a bad movie for easy entertainment.
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