You need to have a town to be taken to one.
23 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Here, the town is wishful thinking, on the verge of being built and needing a church big time. It isn't just for the saloon run by Lee Patrick but the ladies who point their fingers in judgment at Patrick and the wild Ann Sheridan yeah charge above reproach themselves. Three young kids take a shine to Sheridan and decide to try to pair her with their father, Sterling Hayden, who happens to be the local preacher, although one without an actual structure to preach in. It's Sheridan's idea to put on a musical show to raise money and as easily judgmental as they were, the snooty ladies of the town soon are participating in it as well while continuing to make judgment. In the meantime, Sheridan must hide from the local law, Larry Gates, who has been searching for her after she was involved in a scandal involving gamblers at another local saloon.

Moderate entertainment, this features a few musical numbers and apparently leading lady Ann Sheridan and film producer Ross Hunter try to get this produce as a Broadway musical. As talented as Sheridan is, the idea of her holding down a musical comedy for a long run doesn't seem realistic, and besides there's not really enough to see material here to make a full-fledged musical. In any sense, it would be too close to other musicals of the 1940's and probably be considered dated by the time they got around to getting it produced.

That leaves us with just the film to sit back and enjoy, colorful, but typical and somewhat corny, but aided by Sheridan's lively personality, an amusing sequence where Patrick and boyfriend Gates are spotted by Sheridan in a precarious situation, and by the rugged but gentle masculinity of Hayden. the children are prominently featured in the first quarter but become a minor presence in the last part. It's a film with too many ideas going on that really doesn't come together with all of its pieces.
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