Extremely well executed biopic about Max Manus, superb movie
26 January 2019
This is a high quality production, Hollywood level. The overall production design is incredible and the costume department is perfect. The movie is about Max Manus, a very important man in the Norwegian resistance and the writers and Aksel Hennie does a remarkable job of bringing justice to the deceased war hero. I didn't know that Norway had a resistance until a month ago and after doing some research and now watching this I just want to visit the WW2 museum in Oslo. I've found out that Scandinavian productions usually make superb war movies, always unique and realistic.

The cinematography is superb, it deserved its prize for that and every other Amanda award. The directors hard work is seen in every scene, making sure everything is authentic and right they made an incredible and realistic war movie. It should have been nominated in the Oscar's for best foreign language. As I wrote before, Aksel Hennie's performance was great. Making an believable and fantastic performance and also keeping the looks right as he really does look like the real Max Manus, the hair and clothes playing a big part of it. Great performance in a extraordinary biopic/war movie.
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