Review of Thackeray

Thackeray (2019)
Your Political Views Will Affect Your Liking Of This Movie
27 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
THACKERAY - Its inevitable. U just cant escape your own viewpoints on the actions Thackeray took in his life and enjoy this movie as just a movie. This movie was offensive , big time , at least for me. The movie just keep on justifying his actions and sugarcoating it. It makes u unstable.

For example in the beginning it was showed that People from other state were taking jobs in Maharashtra because of which locals from the state were left unemployed. But the movie never shows a single scene where a Local is more qualified(even equally qualified) then a person from other state and still that other person got the job and not the local. In fact it was indicated that, that was the exact reason for Local persons not getting job. There lack of literacy. Also in the second half the character of Thackrey clearly says that we have to educate ours brothers for them to get job. See i personally have zero knowledge about the political and social situation of Maharashtra in 60s and 70s , rather i am just saying everything on the basis of what the movie was showing.

Even after so much sugarcoating the movie never , i mean not a single time convinced me to like the character of Thackrey for his actions. He has been represented as Hitler, blamed for his dictator, even shown as someone against a democracy. How can u show a person in those lights and try to justify his actions.

Now enough about political viewpoints. If i put that aside and talk about it as just a movie. Yes the movie gives you some historical knowledge . Thats one of the good things about the movie. But many of them were hurried and sometimes incomplete. And the time jump sometimes feels like instead of getting the whole year of History Lessons you are just getting the mention of events in a Crash Coarse without knowing the internal happenings of those events.

The screenplay never rise to the extent of a movie like SARKAR. In fact i think Ram Gopal Verma could have made this movie better. He would have maintained the seriousness in the film. Instead we get to listen punchlines from Bal Thackrey in this film like - "DHANGO MEIN MERA HAATH NAHI PAON THA"

The acting is good all the way. Nawaz did a fine job. Although i found his character from this film a little smiler to his character from MANTO.

its was nice to see Amrita Rao after so many years.

For direction i would sad it was average. It was not a tightly made film.

It was lengthy too. 2hr and 18mins without any songs.

They already mentioned "To Be Continued" in the end , so there will be a sequel. I think if they have showed even lesser events in this first installment , it would have been better. Also with a better director.

There were claps after the movie finished in my theater. Not much , i guess two or three people clapped. So there is surely some audience for whom this could be a great movie. For me it was somewhere between above average and good.


by ANuP APu KuMaR
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