Non-Stop (1996)
By far the dumbest Japanese movie ever made. Total garbage!
28 January 2019
7,1 stars? Really? That's the ratings this garbage movie gets before I wrote my review. Well for me it won an award, the award for dumbest movie ever made. And that's not even for the mediocre acting but for the story alone. I've seen my quota of really bad movies and I thought it could never get worse than those I saw before but I was wrong, as we have a new winner for dumbest movie ever. I just can't understand why anybody would like this movie. I really can't. Three guys running after eachother, with a ten meter gap for the entire movie, the first one with no weapon pursued by a guy with a gun (I have no clue why he just not shoots him as his on his tail for the whole time) and that guy pursued by a third guy with a knife. To tell you how ridiculous this movie is, at one point they just run next to eachother and just start laughing while the whole thing was killing eachother in the beginning. Three running guys for an entire movie, filled with other really bad actors from Japan. The best part (if I can say best part as this is the most ridiculous scene ever written) is when about 25 guys just stand in front of eachother with guns loaded and have a little stare off. What follows next I just can't spoil but it's amazingly bad. You have to see it to believe it, the dumbest movie ever.
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