Review of Puzzle

Puzzle (II) (2018)
The Husband as Unintentional Hero
28 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
You know a movie fails horribly when the guy who is supposed to be the "villain" of your film is the only likable, decent person in the whole movie! After all, he is a doting husband; he works hard for the family; he sells his beloved cabin when the wife asks him to; he refuses to flirt with the customers; he gives his kids gifts to help them get started with their lives, etc. His wife? Oh, she rewards him by having an affair. And somehow she is the good guy in this film. Ha! Her puzzle partner knows she is married, but hits on her anyway. Nice guy. Still waiting for the reason she decided to become unfaithful. Still waiting why she is justified to sleep with the puzzle dude. Some of the other plot points are remarkably weak. She figures out how to text all by herself, but she can't figure out how to order a jigsaw puzzle online? Or apparently her town doesn't have a Target or any store to buy a puzzle, so she has to go all the way to NY City to get one? Horribly weak writing. Why not have the puzzle partner live in the town? That would create some cool tension as they'd have to really hide their affair, instead of openly flaunting it in NYC. Just really bad all around. Roy from The Office does a good job as the blue collar husband, and the acting is generally strong. But the characters? meh.
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