Doctor Who: The Family of Blood (2007)
Season 3, Episode 9
The Finale of Brilliance
31 January 2019
This is the second part of a two part story following Human Nature. Together they form one of the greatest stories in Doctor Who history. I rate this as my equal favourite alongside classic 4th Doctor stories Pyramids of Mars and Talons of Weng Chiang and later Tennant/RTD masterpiece Midnight.

It has the highest possible standards in all areas. Based on the story by writer Paul Cornell the material is as good as it gets and Russell T. Davies and director Charles Palmer bring this to the screen with flawless skill.

Following on from the brilliant first part and the great cliffhanger we get an exciting and very moving finale. There are scary villains, thrilling scenes of action and deep, touching drama regarding the Doctor's human version, John Smith, having to choose between his human life and changing back to his life of lonely responsibility as the Doctor to battle the threat of evil. The depth of the character study and emotional dilemma for the Doctor is totally fresh, extremely absorbing and enormously moving.

David Tennant's acting is perfection. Anyone who ever says to me they are not keen on Tennant leaves me bemused as to what it is they want, they are entitled to different tastes but surely nobody can question his acting. This gives him an opportunity to show his full range and it is glorious. Freema Agyeman does her usual excellent job as Martha and the guest cast (especially Jessica Hynes, Harry Lloyd and Thomas Brodie-Sangster) continue their fabulous performances from the first part.

At the end there are lovely added scenes regarding the first world war. There is also a dark side shown as the Doctor metes out justice on the Family of Blood. Overall the story and script are just awesome with great period setting, effects, production values and direction all at top standard. 10/10 classic.
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