Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
Books vs. TV
1 February 2019
Ok , so I stumbled upon "A Song of Ice and Fire" after reading the first Dunk & Egg novella in the graphic novel adaptation. Since reading the first book, I thought Martin had just redefined sooooo many standards in Fantasy literature but, at the end of the day , had written an incredibly complex and masterful story, period

Then news started to come out about TV adaptation - that was really, REALLY frightening. The complexitiy , the subtelty, the richness, the vastness of Martin's work was so hard to handle that I was fearing for the worst.

I mean, how can you possibly transport Tyrion form page to screen without loosing the characther soul, spirit , wit and depht? That's the kind of things I was worried about.

So episode 1 was finally on the air, and when I sat and started to watch it I was prepared for the worst.

But them I saw the Men of the Black Watch getting trough the tunnel. No words spoken, no sounds but the horses' hoofs softly clopping the snow-covered soil. I just needed to see THAT first sequence to relax and dismiss all my fears. I said to my self : "the lads REALLY know what they're doing". I watched the rest of episode 1 with half a smile on my lips, every charachter/actor choiche was incredible, and the small details diverting from the books - like Sean Bean dirty blonde hair vs. Ned's black ones - were completely overriden by the actors' performances. And of course after witnessing Dinklage doing his things the imagine of Tyrion I had in my mind was definitely transformed into a new, Dinklage-ish version

Having said that, I still think the Dorne plot was miserable -even if Pedro was in-fu*§ing-credible as the Red Viper - so there are still thing in this show that can be put down to an human level......but overall this is still the closest thing to perfection one can imagine
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