Doctor Who: A Desperate Venture (1964)
Season 1, Episode 36
Strong finale to what's a very good story.
2 February 2019
I am at odds with many fans, as I have nothing but positive comments overall for The Sensorites, the show is still in its infancy, yet manages to introduce so many themes, it is very original and well balanced.

The concluding episode is very good, we learn who's been poisoning the water, and why, plus the rogue Sensorite is brought to justice. Some quite dark themes, with that band of soldiers clearly malicious through insanity.

A wonderful story for Susan I thought, she has a terrific scene with the elder where she discusses her home planet, I thought her character throughout was terrific. I'm glad Barbara was brought down from that Spaceship.

Much maligned, but have to say I really enjoyed.
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