Relatively okay, but shouldn't have been a stand alone
6 February 2019
I came into this with quite a few misconceptions of this OVA so, take this review with a pinch of salt - I probably didn't get the full level of enjoyment from it as I should have.

I started watching this with the belief that this came after Tortured Souls (for those new to the franchise, that's the four-episode series based off the games). I believed this was a recap and introduction to the characters before the events of the main game/anime series. Essentially it is that but made two years before TS.

Serving as basically episode zero or a lost pilot episode I think this would have been better off as an introductory episode in the actual TS series rather than as it's own OVA. If you don't know the franchise or didn't read what this was about before watching it, it would be confusing and muddling to understand what's happening.

This is essentially just putting characters in positions and somewhat normal situations as an introduction but with nothing much to explain them other by their names. The sound work in the introduction scene I found extremely well done, but past that, something about this just didn't click for me. Some of this OVA's eleven minutes is simply some repeating cuts and similar sounds and although the sound work is done well, it just feels repetitive as though the creators didn't know what to put into it.

Watching this as episode one of TS would probably be better for anyone going into it, but watching it as a stand-alone is somewhat disappointing and unfulfilling.
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