The Progressive Union Label folks of California . . .
7 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
. . . use TROUBLE IN SUNDOWN to alert the other True Blue Loyal Patriotic American Citizens of the egregious risk of giving nefarious "Red State" types a seat at America's Adult Table. In a normal Blue State, when a business or bank is robbed, everyone immediately tries to help the crime victim. TROUBLE IN SUNDOWN documents how deplorable Red State scalawags crawl out of their basket, and behave in an illogical, counter-intuitive fashion. Their first instinct is to clump together in a mob, and immediately break the robbed bank's windows, while trying to string up their long-time trusted loan benefactor, "John." (Note that "Bailey's Building and Loan" was fortuitously located in a BLUE State, so depositors took up a collection for poor "George" during IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE, rather then murdering him and his family!) Red State sheriffs, judges, and prosecutors are just as clueless, venal, and empty-headed as the common rabble, TROUBLE IN SUNDOWN discloses. To compare this Red State "Group Think" to the behavior of insects does a real disservice to the latter, because spiders and cockroaches display a lot more intelligence than a typical Red Stater. It's hard to believe that any normal person could view TROUBLE IN SUNDOWN, and then voluntarily travel to an unsafe Red State!
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