Not a worthy successor to the original.
7 February 2019
I enjoyed Iron sky 2012 because of the seamless blending of reality & vfx, as well as the original (Nazis on the moon) concept & decent plot - however I feel the latest entry doesn't hold up to those standards.

Modern day moviegoers expect something more then the usual generic, politically correct fanfare as seen coming from Hollywood 24/7 & it's starting to show. My advice to Timo & his team would be not to fall into the same trap, don't over compensate with CGI due to the lack of a compelling story & plot - because the latter 2 elements, is what makes a memorable film. Good vfx should only be the icing on the cake.

Udo Kier & Julia did their best with the mediocre material at hand but that didn't save it for me as often bad writing does, it's unfortunate considering the potential the franchise had. In summation - keep your movies 'European & organic' because trying to emulate hollywood at every turn is a sure recipe for disaster.

I will recommend this one for a rent only.
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