Review of Pity

Pity (2018)
7 February 2019
Pro: the story is generally well-written with many scenes played for very dark humour. The acting is excellent. The locations transferred me to Greece, a country I have loved visiting. Con: the husband character is a repugnant character who manipulates decent people for his own masochistic pleasure. I could recognise the intended humour but only felt remotely amused by one scene, the death lament. The ending is shocking and ramped up so far beyond the rest of the story as to be absurd (is that positive? Not for me). I watched to the end as I try to do always. I am willing to see films as an experience that may be beneficial even if I don't like the content, eg a film that is of its era and depicts values that are now considered unacceptable is a way of learning from that aspect of history. This left me feeling grubby and cheated of 97 minutes of my life.
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