7 February 2019
Love it! I tend to respect movies which consist of one or more rolling spoken expositions, and this one is a series of lectures on film products as more or less witting commentaries on ideology.

Zizek works for me: He gets me to pay attention, and usually to have little "breakthrough(s) in grey room". Some are truly mind-blowing, the rest less so... but one of the great takeaways is to remind me of my own tendency to mine narrative products for ideological subtext. Zizek does what *I* do, tho arguably significantly better than I do; so he encourages me to do better.

Some points of style: I noticed one commenter accused Zizek of speaking in "broken" English. Zizek's English is *not* broken. I know: I teach ESL. Zizek may very well speak English better than that commenter. Zizek does have a thick accent, but to me this is just a spur to pay closer attention.

The spirit here is a wedding of thoughtful insight and just plain ol' FUN. Zizek is having *fun*, here. Enjoy the show *with* him!
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