Saw it on short of the week...
9 February 2019
It is unbelievably rare that you find a decent short film you like. This was a little better, but like so many others it just leaves you going "so what"? It's difficult to make a short because you have time constraints on what you can show, and doesn't leave you much time for characters, relationships and plot, so they usually pick one which for the most part isn't enough to make an engaging film.

Obviously the beginning of the film was taken from Take The Money and Run where Virgil hands the teller a note and she can't read what it says so they begin to argue over it.

The best short cinema (part of a feature) was the first 8-10 minutes of UP (animated) and shows you how to create an amazing short story that leaves you crying in such short time.

The cinematography was good and the acting was decent. Writing not so good. The story (based on a true story) felt unfinished. The interesting part started toward to the end but went nowhere. Unfortunately. One of the better shorts, but still not good enough to make it great.
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