The Flash: Enter Flashtime (2018)
Season 4, Episode 15
Time Crisis
10 February 2019
This is another of my favorite episodes of the show. Not much to say, it's pretty much your bomb thriller once again, yeah, the conclusion is predictable you can easily predict Barry/The Flash will disarm the bomb; but the real suspense is wondering how.

It's true that "The Thinker" isn't around this episode but I'm fine with that, sometimes we just need a breather from the seasonal villain and give our heroes a different kind of challenge, and this was one hell of a challenge.

Really love the use of the flash time, where the flash along with two other speedsters whom were nice to see again Jesse and Jay Garrick once more. I like how every one of the characters have a hand in the disarm operation and each tries different solutions and sadly none of them work.

I also like how the episode evokes almost an impending sense of doom as time is ticking away so is hope. One really touching scene is just seeing Barry with Iris probably for the last time and you just seeing him exhausted both physically and psychologically. You see just getting emotional and Iris is just trying to comfort him, I felt that was a genuinely human thing personally if I felt just utter hopelessness and helplessness, I would break down myself. It was touching how Iris knowing she is possible in the last moments of her life with the one she loves remains a rock for Barry, which I felt shows the strength in both her character and love for him. I won't say anything more except that in every puzzle it's never too late to solve it.

Rating: 4 stars.
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