One Of Those 50/50 Flicks...Not As Bad As Some Reviews Here Though
10 February 2019
With a title such as this it is wholly reasonable to wonder what this movie is about. I think some will still be wondering after watching it. It's definitely subjective I guess. What we do know is Sam Elliott plays a man who lost the girl due to a lot of circumstances along his life's path. I think his melancholy is due to that. He is living with regret. He has a keepsake box which must be very symbolic of it. It is dear to him, but he just can't get to the point of opening it. I'm not sure what is actually in it, but I have an idea which I'll just keep to myself as I think the interpretation of it is a big thing in the movie and it may be different things to different viewers.

A story such as this could have been done much more straightforward and I imagine many would rather see Sam in that role. It seems the writer and director is going for an artistic vision that not everyone will appreciate. It's clear in spite of the title and the events direct to it this is not a comedy or satire. It's something along the line of a man can achieve some very unbelievable things and suffer from giving up the personal important ones. He can be brilliant, smart, strong, and kind - even conquering and be lonely as he would rather not find himself one day with regrets that can't be reconciled.. This kind of story could have been simple and linear of course, but then we wouldn't have the title...and the artiness a few will enjoy.

This film, then, is only for those few, who will find the art in the telling of conventional late life regret in the most obtuse way here. Sam Elliott, as wonderful a treasure as he is, can't make it a great ride for everyone. But, he comes close even with the events the title alludes too taking a calculated left turn.
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