Less drama than it wants to be
10 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
"Kagaar: Life on the edge" tells the story of a young man who comes to the big city to look for his lost brother and swears to become a policeman after he is only able to find his dead corpse. Soon, he has to fight an old friend in order to do the right thing.

The movie is supposed to be very dramatic. Two former friends facing each other, a police in a state of disorganisation and law and order mentality and the challenge to be a good man and husband. However some of the plots are so vaguely created that they don't really add up. It is not really believable how and why his friend became a super villain. The seemingly bad and unmoral cop becomes his mentor. And he treats his wife with a sense of machoism that you feel set back several centuries. The production and acting are okay but not great and the result is mediocre.

All in all this is a title you can watch without heavy boredom and it does tell a story but in the end it is nothing you'll miss if you don't see it.
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