Who was the happiest man in the world?
14 February 2019
Adam! Because he didn't have a mother-in-law.

In a small town in the Provinces, the mother-in-laws have united behind a cause:their universal fight against all their sons-in-law.The president of the association,the local baroness , has refused her daughter's hand to the mayor's nephew and has political ambitions for the next elections .The mom-in-law's motto is : "Eve above all"!

If Couzinet's comedy was not so cheesy and so hopeless, this could have passed for woman's lib before its time ;French women did not vote before 1946,and mom-in-laws had always had a -often unjustified- bad reputation . (still have and are subject to numerous so-called funny stories)But unfortunately it is not so; the prim baroness was once the baron's cook and had him marry her ;after his death ,not only she refuses a commoner for son-in-law ,but she also wants to keep his late husband's daughter's fortune .

Emile Couzinet uses his habitués: Jeanne Fusier-Gir and Pierre Larquey but what can they do with such a far-fetched story?This is also a musical ,for it features several unbearable songs which may make the viewer use the "fast -forward " button
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