Surprisingly Violent!
14 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Steamy Brit film-noir with Jayne Mansfield as the hook. Although she looks really weird with dark hair at the start of this film. Unbelievably cast as the gang boss, she apparently masterminds a number of heists which tend to rely on bludgeoning the victims before making a getaway in a fast car which leaves the Police helpless. Anthony Quayle is also strangely cast as the patsy she seduces to assist with a bullion robbery, and then shops him! However, he's already hidden the loot so the gang have to wait five years before they can lean on him. A very violent film for its time, Mansfield stubs a cigarette out on a man's hand, an elderly lady is savagely beaten during a kidnapping and one of the gang is worked over by the Police. Exciting action too. Jayne throws a big Jag around London's rain-soaked streets like a rally driver. A pursuing Police car turns over and crashes spectacularly and, in the final chase Anthony Quayle races after a departing train in an MG before boarding it by running alongside on the track and swinging from a door handle. At the same time his little boy is running along the track towards the train, having been encouraged to play "chicken" by the sadistic Buddy. Will he survive? If you can excuse the incongruous casting this film is well worth a look.
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