Shocking!!! - Former DuPont Employee
15 February 2019
First - the documentary. I thought the evidence was damning and generally well presented. It leaves little room for doubt about the harmful effects PFOA and the misguided attempts at damage control by DuPont. The documentary reminds everyone that watches it that the impact of this chemical is global and virtually everyone is impacted, although to what extent is unclear.

Although I consider a 7 star review "very good," I felt balance of time was weighted a little too heavily on a few individuals that were (or may have been) affected by PFOA vs. what took place in the courts. It seemed clear that the producers had access to a fair amount of company documentation and some very telling interviews with company spokesmen as well as attorneys for the plaintiffs and it was those sequences that had the biggest impact for me.

As a retired Mech. Engr. for DuPont, I can honestly say I have never encountered any circumstances where I saw or was asked to do anything morally or legally wrong. I was the project lead on a multi-million dollar solvent capture project, and I can say that our internal Environmental Dept. Representatives were often more trying to deal with on regulatory requirements than the local EPA representatives. That's not to say I dispute the message in this documentary. It's clear some company officials made some very misguided decisions in an effort to limit the financial impact to the corporation.
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