Review of Stuck

Stuck (I) (2007)
Stuck: Surprisingly enjoyable
16 February 2019
Mena "American Pie" Suvari and Stephen Rea star in this remarkable little thriller that manages to deliver despite it's glaring and obvious flaws.

It tells the story of a woman drunk at the wheel looking at her phone who runs into a homeless man with her car. With him embedded into her windshield she proceeds to drive home, locks the car in the garage and mulls over what to do next.

I like the concept, it's handled well and Stephen Rea is fantastic as our protagonist who you really find yourself caring about to levels you rarely see. In fact I haven't cared as much about a character since The Pursuit of Happyness (2006).

Essentially a thriller it has moments of black comedy, mostly due to Russell Hornsby who was really good here.

The films main flaw is that it's essentially following the antagonist, the lead is the bad guy (Or girl in this case) and that comes across odd especially as it's as if you're watching her plight when she's blatantly the antagonist. Watching Rea struggle against the odds is very enjoyable and builds to a decent finale that really underlines the movies quality.

Despite it's flaws this is a great film helped by a solid premise and decent cast.

The Good:

Stephen Rea

Some great ideas

The Bad:

Having the antagonist as the lead is just odd

I still don't like Suvari, no idea why
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