A portrait of extraordinary arrogance
16 February 2019
This film was fascinating because it uncovers, through a number of candid moments, the vulgar pride of these brash young intellectuals. It made my skin crawl to actually see and hear them in the flesh (or at least on a big screen...). These young idealists, including President Obama, could perhaps have done something productive for our country if they had been able to get a proper education in their youth. Tragically, they weren't - and the shallow education (or perhaps more accurately, indoctrination) they did receive has led them to operate on a shallow and incomplete set of moral principles, leading them to make short-sighted policy decisions that ultimately hurt our own people, and people around the world, in the long-term. They just aren't able to grasp the context of their decisions in the grand scheme of things. Our nation's leadership under Obama is a story of misplaced intelligence.
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