An interesting documentary on a very brilliant man who was still flawed
21 February 2019
It's like one of the paranormal lay assistants said in documentary: You will either believe or not believe. All he can do is get the word out.

My review is written as a practicing Catholic who knows Church history well. The Jesuits indeed took a turn for the worse leading up to and post Vatican 2. Malachi was right to be disillusioned with the 12yrs it takes to become a Jesuit, only for it to succumb to leftist ideology and marxist indoctrination with "liberation theology". Vatican 2 opened the floodgates to all kinds of clerical and liturgical abuses. Fast forward to present day, and you know the smoke of Satan is suffocating the heirarchy.

I can't speak to his detractors like the Time magazine correspondent who had a lifelong ax to grind against Malachi. What I do know is that the seal of the priesthood is indelible, so while not living in the Jesuit community post 1965, he still has the authority to conduct exorcisms, if given approval by the local bishop.

If you are a true believer of Christ, you absolutely cannot deny the existence of Satan and the fact that people are afflicted with demonic possession. Christ exorcised many demons on this earth and he gave his disciples the authority to do so in his name to help those suffering. But at the end of the day, supernatural or preternatural (demonic) posession is still rare. The devil doesn't have to resort to those measures. It's easy enough im post modern culture to ensare others in evil activity in daily choices we make to be selfish and put ourselves instead of neighbor and God first.
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