Review of LKG

LKG (2019)
LKG- A witty Political Satire!
24 February 2019
Want to spend two and half hours laughing non-stop forgetting all worries and with out any party affiliations? Then you are right in choosing LKG for the weekend treat. No star values, no big director, Music maestro to score, locations in foreign countries but if still any body can take the movie smoothly till the end does it not mean it is a great success? And RJ Balaji has passed the acid test as hero! Kudos to him! To be frank it's not an easy joke in the present scenario. The timing is perfect as the elections are fast approaching and people are getting busy for it. Three cheers to R.J.Balaji! And to the producer (Isari Ganesh) and director (K.R.Prabhu) too who have cast him boldly. We have very few known faces like Priya Anand, Santhanabharati, Ramkumar, Mayilsamy, Nanjil Sampath in significan roles and Manobala in a guest role. All have done justice to their part. Another major role is political rival of Balaji,well done by Ritesh. Priya Anand has got a major role in this movie unlike other earlier movies where she will just walk as a doll heroine. Here she represents a corporate company who help in training and evolving methodology and strategies to score and win the election. Good work. It's a political satire and comedy on the plight and journey of a starter(Balaji) , whose father is a "failed" politician (N Sampath) but son dreams to become chief minister from Councilor. How he utilises the opportunities or bends the situation to his advantage is the rest of story. More details will mar the interest and please watch it on the big screen.

Unlike other comedies this movie does not just depend on string of continuous jokes galore but on satirical splashes and quotes which one can easily identify with persons and happenings in our political arena. No party is spared. His timing is perfect, which is very much essential for comedy. Balaji's rise is very much welcome in the absence of good comedians now. All other aspects like cinematography, sound, editing all are very good. Go, enjoy with friends and family! You won't repent.
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