Too many plot-holes and repeating itself.
26 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Although I applaud the makers of this movie to let their protagonists be a lesbian couple, and this in a very matter-of-fact way, without making a special issue out of it whatsoever, I had wished they had given it a better vessel to sail in, because to be honest: this is not a very strong movie.

The story is hard to tell without giving inmediately the major clue away, so spoiler alert!! It's about a young married couple that comes to spend the weekend in a remote lodge in a forest in honor of their first anniversary. The first say 20 minutes we see them loving and making out and having a great time, and then, completely out of the blue, the one (Jackie) pushes the other (Jules) over a cliff and all of sudden we are to understand that Jackie is in fact a murderous psychopath and Jules her unsuspecting victim. There's given some vague motivation: the insurance money, but later on it's also hinted that Jackie kills for the sport of it. Well, the movie would have ended right there and then, be it not for Jules to have survived the fall, and a cat and mouse game between the two starts off, where each tries to outsmart the other, using brute force as well as cunning schemes, up until the climactic end.

Describing it like this may make it sound as a fairly good premise, but the story is worked out very poorly: thanks to its repetitiveness it gets rather tedious and predictable and it has heaps of plot-holes.

For instance, why does Jackie waits a whole year before suddenly executing her murderous plan?! Why choose a location where she knows that old acquaintances live who know her from way back when, with the risk of exposure (which indeed does happen)?! Why do both girls after they think they murdered the other not check first if it's definitive, instead of instantly running off alone to muse over it and then returning to find that the assumed corpse has fled?! Why didn't Jules started screaming hell as soon as the other couple entered the house instead of playing so duly nice for such a long time?!

But all this is nothing compared to the most mind-boggling question of all: how did Jules survive a fall from a say 40 meters high cliff, landing flat on her back on a rocky bottom?! By some miracle she does and we see her dragging herself through the woods, several wounds on her head, dislocated shoulder, broken fingers, ankles, big flesh-wound in her belly and a bruised spleen (whatever that may mean, apparently Jules is able to diagnose that herself!). But within a few hours she is totally tidied up and revived, so the visiting couple doesn't notice anything the matter with her, and in the last half hour of the movie Jules runs like crazy along the house and the premises, either chasing or trying to escape Jackie. What is she, Wondergirl??

As for the acting, I guess both Hannah Emily Anderson and Brittany Allen did okay, but in my opinion Anderson went a bit over the top when her character went into the relentless killer mode.
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